If You're Not Outraged...

Well is your anger over the top at the complete callousness, ineptness and disregard of our fellow Americans in New Orleans by this current moribund administration and it's moronic and villainous leader
Can anyone even entertain the idea that this president chose to play golf the first day of this untold tragedy, then fly to San Diego to spout more bullshit to our unfortunate people in uniform, while giving less than two minutes of empty words on one of the worst national disasters in our history. Finally playing guitar with some musician, and three days later flying in air force 1, on the way to Washington D.C. peeking out a window at 23,000ft at the horrendous destruction of life and property below. Vice President Cheney in Wyoming? The rest of their repulsive ilk no where to be found. News broadcasters blithely reporting that the president was cutting short his vacation, as if that would be a concern that most sane people would give a damn about. It is almost a cliche now, but never more appropriate is the bumper sticker, "IF YOU ARE NOT OUTRAGED YOU ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION"
Read the philosophy of this web site and see if we can agree that we must ignore them, and come together with our families, neighborhoods, towns, cities and then finally we might have a legitimate concept of a United States of America.
We must, as Michael Parenti said, "develop a communatarian society that shares collective values," and reject vehemently this "dog eat dog" society that has been perpetrated on us by a vile and blaspheming leadership and their ignorant and sycophant followers."
They want a survivalist society, because as Michael Parenti again said, "They don't want some of it, they don't want most of it, they want all of it."

He put a political hire, an expert in horses, in charge of FEMA. And now that we need to rely on that expertice, what do we get? "Horseshit" I have never in my lifetime been more embarassed on every level, personally, professionally, as a mother that is leading the way for her children, as a citizen of our country and the world, than I have been made to feel by this president and his administration. I believe tht ten years from now, we will be looking back on this time and wondering what the hell were we thinking, that we accepted this and did not revolt. He will destroy all of the good done by all that preceeded him for fifty years. He is clueless and happily so. I am so ashamed that we the people some how got duped into letting him in, again.
What an awesome service "Ignore Them" provides. Thanks for providing us this information.
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