Get used to hearing that word, because even if the media doesn't take up the call the people will have to lead, just as they did against Nixon.
If anyone has been paying attention at all they have to see the implosion of the Republican party under George W. Bush, despite the very real gains for the wealthy, Bush and his cohorts. Let there be no mistake. The Bush Adm. and the duopoly party of Republicans and Democrats have done what they have wanted to do with very little opposition. I'm sure behind closed doors they are laughing at us Americans. We are but a flea on their backs. CAFTA, the Central American Trade Agreement is one piece of legislation they pushed through without asking the American people. NAFTA was already a failure for the American worker as well as the people of Mexico, but that didn't stop our "representatives". Because of the Republicans, with the help of Dems who voted for Alito, and the Dems who gave such a weak stand against Alito and allowed him to lie or obfusicate every question asked, we now have two hardline Conservatives on the Supreme Court. The anti-torture amendment put forth by Sen. McCain has all but been gutted of any consequence. The ability of the President to spy on American citizens just because he and his attorney general say so, is such an abuse of power, alone, to warrant impeachment. The lies that led us into the debacle in Iraq, and the gutless Dems. who went along. The pharmaceutical and insurance companies have had their way with both parties.
You have to wonder what it will take. Bush's approval rating is worse than Nixon's. Bush has cut billions from health care, child-care, foster care, education, medicare, medicaid, education and veterans benefits, while giving 900 billion dollars to the top 1% of households over the next ten years. Our national debt as of Feb. 18th. is 8 trillion 248 billion 416 thousand 786 hundred and increases daily by 2.2 billion. The cost of the war is now at 241 billion. The neocons or the new "cons" in our "gov" say social programs are immoral. They say we have to attack Iraq to protect America.
The mindset is that torture has to be OK to protect America. A judicial system to benefit the corporations and the wealthy and to take away women's rights is the right thing to do. If facts or laws stand in their way, then they will go on a massive P.R. campaign to convince the American people that the Bush Adm. alone knows better and it is in the people's best interest. The prostrate press will dutifully report the charade with great seriousness. Their lies, their arrogance and criminality is beyond the pale, yet their they are!
T.C., a friend of mine, said, "it isn't Bush and his administration; it is our neighbors, family, friends and acquaintances" who still believe in the policies of this government for whatever uninformed, misinformed or just plain stupid reasons and disinterest in how they are governed. Their is an alliance in this country of the seemingly intelligent, monied but fearful class and the stupid ones who have everything to lose and nothing to gain, but W. is best for America. There obviously is a large number of them, otherwise how do you explain that the American people are not rising up in mass, demanding impeachment and also not accepting any Republican light. Hopefully people can see that candidates like Hillary Clinton are absurd and that we need a leader for all the people of this country.
Facts regarding the war in Iraq: The United States has no intention in leaving Iraq ever! Oh, they will bring some troops home and tell us that democracy and freedom and all the other bullshit is now taking place in Iraq and declare U.S. the "winner." They have built four huge bases in Iraq that are the size of small towns; one 22 miles square and have plans for a completely secure embassy costing millions to a billion in a so called green zone. These bases and embassy will be completely self sufficient and the military that is stationed there will not have any interaction with any of Iraq's. The people of Iraq can go to hell. Mission accomplished. Bush has the insanely ignorant religious right cheering him on, because these fanatics, no different than the fanatical religious of the rest of the world, with their incongruously warped minds believe a loving God, only loving to them, will deliver them up to the rapture and everyone else is going to hell.
Meanwhile, the ambition of empire will not stop with Iraq but continue on into Iran. We will be fed more lies and another P.R. campaign will be mounted condemning Iran for going ahead with their "nuclear ambition", completely denying the offer of Russia to enrich uranium for Iran to use in its nuclear power plants, thus nullifying any crisis of nuclear capability. Also, according to all intelligence including international, Iran is at the very least 10 years away from any nuclear capability. None of this will matter of course.
Where is this all going to end? 9/11 will seem be but a blip in history compared to the possible conflagration if we should attack Iran. We will set off a hornet nest of enemies some of which we didn't know we had. Reality shows will be replaced by the real deal, but there won't be any joy in the outcome. The comfortability of the American people will be shown for how intangible it really is, and perhaps we will see what other peoples of the world see every day because of our insanity.
right 0n lightning.Keep it up!
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