Kanye West is Right

What Government? Of the people?? For the people??? Which people???? Kanye West is F…..Right. What kind of society are we?
Isn’t it ironic, that in this age of a supposed rise in “christianity,” that we allowed our fellow citizens to face this disaster on their own? They were mostly black and poor who bore the brunt of this disaster. The Federal Government allowed them to be put at risk. This didn’t happen in Florida when Jeb got his brother to be 'Johnny-on-the spot,' before the storm roared in. To deny class and color bias is to be either very stupid or a arrogant liar.
The word in people’s mouths around the country, “why did the ignorant people stay?" Where did our fellow citizens get this info? T.V.? Radio? No mention that Greyhound bus service closed on Saturday. The airport closed. People didn’t have cars nor enough money to hire someone to take them out. These were low wage earners, living day to day. So the usual disinformation and misinformation to divide us further. Aren’t these spin masters a bunch of turds posing as humans. The thought that the people should have left no matter what their circumstance is bizarre. The press and media collaborated in depicting them as beasts instead of victims. The victims soon realized they were on their own …… as it turned out, for a long time. The help coming was unofficial and by heroic and caring individuals.
When the government did, it was “Shoot to Kill” if you were out on the street after 6:00p.m. We got militarized action instead of relief operations. They were immediately called refugees. They weren’t fleeing their country. They are citizens who hadn’t given up their “fundamental rights".
Let’s not forget Barbara Bush’s comment displaying the typical blindness of the elite, saying that the people were better off in the Superdome, than where they were living. In fact, isn’t that a sad commentary to be said of the living conditions of the poor of this country. How dare her! How revolting, but we can readily see why she has raised a heinous son.
Class tension was always there, now it is bubbling up. The veil has been lifted on the hypocrisy of "American values." Let us not forget for a second the complete incompetence, disregard and lethal arrogance of this administration. There must be a people’s court to charge the guilty with genocide. We must not let this country be ruled any longer by this 2% white supremacist faction.
We must drive this current regime from power.
why would anyone care what a rich foul-mouth had to say?
who are you talking about, bush or cheney?
I care
They'll all be in jail soon enough.
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