New Year Resolutions

I (lightnings' nephew) was walking in downtown Chicago this morning and came across a small war protest in which they were also handing out flyers. I did not have time to stop and talk but now wish I had. Here is an excerpt from the flyer with a link to the rest of it.
"Peace On Earth" Means "No More War"
The story goes that when the nonviolent Jesus was born into abject poverty to homeless refugees on the outskirts of a brutal empire, angels appeared in the sky to impoverished shepherds singing, “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth!” That child grew up to become, in Gandhi’s words, “the greatest nonviolent resister in the history of the world,” and was subsequently executed by the empire for his insistence on justice.
This weekend, as tens of millions of Christians across the country celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, the U.S. wages war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia and elsewhere; crushes the hungry, homeless, elderly, imprisoned and refugee; and maintains the world’s ultimate terrorist threat--its nuclear arsenal. -Fr. John Dear
read the rest here