Unfinished Business

This country cannot go forward with unfinished business. The unfinished business of course, is the impeachment of President George W. Bush, and his cohorts Vice President Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice. This administration must be held accountable for our country being in one of it's most shameful and horrific hours in history. The evidence is in the light of day and the good citizens of this country must see that true justice is served, if this country is supposedly a country of laws and not men.
Then and only then, can we turn to our most urgent duty to stop the funding of this war, and bring our troops home. There seems to be an urgency to get on with the business of finding a candidate who will lead America out of its darkness, as two Democratic politicians, who already have been given premature anointing by the media jockey for lead position. We should desperately hope that the people can see through banal affrontry and realize that the idea of business as usual is finished. After the Democratic sweep in Congress, the Progressive community and indeed all right minded people were shocked into indignance by the pronouncement of the newly elected Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, that impeachment was "off the table."
The American people must make it perfectly clear that there is nothing more imperative for our nation than to bring criminal proceedings against this lawless administration. Its becoming more obvious this endeavor cannot be left up to these typical anemic politicians.
We need a massive and continued form of civil disobedience, to stop this evil and criminal administration, and a wake up to any potential leaders that the American people are fed up with the status quo and its war mongering and imperialist intentions. We will need in the words of the writer Chalmers Johnson, a "renaissance of citizenship,” if we are truly to go forward as a nation.
Impeach '07
March on the Pentagon
impeachment is necesary but with all the incompatence in Washington it will be tough sleding
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