Oil Executives March On D.C.

"We Just Want Our Voices Heard"
WASHINGTON, DC—More than 1,000 majority shareholders and executive officers from the nation's largest oil companies gathered in the National Mall and marched to Capitol Hill Monday in a mass demonstration for petrochemical corporations' rights and, according to several of those who attended, "to let our voices be heard at last."
"We're American citizens, and we demand to be part of the national dialogue," said John S. Watson, vice president of international exploration and production for Chevron Corporation, the world's second-largest oil company. "Many people in our industry think nobody in Washington cares about us, and that our opinions don't matter. We're here today to change that."
read the rest at the Onion- America's Finest News Source
That's great. I love the Onion.
Whenever I read a round of depressing news, I always follow it up with an article or two by the Onion....
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