Thursday, July 12, 2007

Moore vs Blitzer

'What can I do?' - SiCKO


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Never saw Michael Moore on CNN. He was great. Ate Wolfe and Gupta up and spit them out. I work in the health care industry and we are in jeopardy of continuing to perform hip and knee replacements as well as other surgeries due to the fact that it costs the hospital to perform these surgeries because the cost of the implants are so outrageous! Can you imagine? These sales reps are making more money per case than the surgeons performing it! Something is seriously wrong with HealthCare and unless we do something to help it soon we are all in big trouble. There are so many people on public aid that the hospitals are fighting with each other on who has to treat them!


1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, let me correct Eissie's comment. It should read that we are in jeopardy of discontinuing certain procedures due to the cost to the hospital. Insurers won't cover the exhorbitant cost of the implants. (Guess I am guilty as Gupta for not checking my work before putting it in writting)!

1:58 PM  

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