We awoke on November 3rd with a severe hangover, depression, anger, disgust, and the terrible thought that we were betrayed and for many of us, we wanted to flee and we could not bear to think what the future would hold for our country and for the world. Some people actually told us we should come together for the greater good. We indignantly rejected such nonsense out of hand.
You might have felt powerless against the forces of evil at this time. Well it is possible and even much more than possible to empower yourself and the greater good of this country. It is relatively simple, won't cost you any thing, actually save you large amounts of money. I'd like to borrow the line "The Revolution starts now," by the singer song writer, Steve Earl. It's painless. It's empowering. You will have your mind back. You will finally get to know your mate, your children, your neighbors and what your country should be about. It's subversive. It will take courage and some thinking, "out of the box." It will give you your life back and change our country like it has never been changed.
You unplug your T.V. Cancel you cable. You no longer buy mainstream newspapers, mainstream magazines nor listen to mainstream radio. Certainly don't reach for that pablum called "public radio" as a substitute. Please don't tell me, but the "History Channel is so good." Read "
A People's History of the United States," and then try to tell me you want to watch the "history channel"!
It's that simple, and then wait not long and see something actually happen and you realize you are the most important part of this change. You ignore them, and now you discover yourself, your family, you finally take control. No more donations to political parties or individual politicians. It is obvious that they don't listen to you nor will they in the future. Democrats quit on us, except for a few brave souls-we know who they are. Look what they did to the third party bid of
Ralph Nader. He spoke too much common sense. We know "common sense" isn't that common in this dumbed down society.
Very few so called leaders said no to this war, to the patriot act, to the fascist "homeland security act". We know who they are beholden to.
Churches are telling you who is saved and who isn't. How dare them! God is already in all of us, and God doesn't need donations and the only fealty God wants is to love our neighbor as ourselves. In deference to our brothers and sisters who feel no need to express an allegiance to any God, it their perogative to have their beliefs without recriminations.
By ignoring the false, the mistruths, the spurious, the imbecilic pronouncements and opinions, you will finally have time to actually listen, to read and understand and perhaps be able to form an intelligent response to the way we should live as human beings in concert with others.
Ignore them. Listen to alternative radio.
Pacifica Radio, problably the oldest with the most prescient philosophy, is one.
Air America Radio is another. Both of these stations are barred from many of our major radio markets and their affiliates. We know about the other crap that passes for intelligence that is ubiquitous around the nation. Their are many small stations particularly college stations that will have "
Democracy Now" with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales, which is also carried on Pacifica Radio. Read, "
The Nation," "
Harpers," "
Mother Jones," "
Orion," "
Utne", "
The Sun," and many others. Isn't it strange that you can't purchase any of these periodicals in our airports and train stations and in most of our towns. What are they afraid of? Do you think that it might be a good idea to check it out! Alternative newspapers, support them. I want to quote an article from a writer for a newspaper, "
The Arcata Eye," in Arcata, California. His name is Mike McLaren, and he wrote, "Turn off the television and read a book, write a book, paint a picture, play an instrument, sing, walk more, plant a garden, dance, run and play. Consume less. Recycle." It is our loss of our humanity that these propositions have been mocked, maligned, dismissed as spurious but we know what is right and true.
Ignore them and empower yourself and this country and show what "go along" really means.
If the millions of people who voted for change can now vote to ignore them, be assured the change will begin. Your vote will be counted.